Supreme Court briefly leaks opinion allowing Idaho abortions

Court says publication on its website was "inadvertent" and that a final ruling has not been made.
2024-06-27 04:06:40

Martha's rule: Mother 'encouraged' as 143 hospitals sign up

It will give seriously ill patients and their families access to a second opinion.
2024-05-27 11:08:22

The opinion is the latest twist in a long-running saga between the EU, Apple and the Irish government.
2023-11-09 12:11:40

Opinion: Russia is deploying a new weapon in Ukraine: world hunger

Post Content
2023-07-29 19:04:41

Opinion | The Prigozhin Affair Is Much Less than Meets the Eye

Post Content
2023-07-03 20:15:39

Opinion: The next shoe to drop in Russia

Post Content
2023-06-26 14:18:18

Opinion: What Putin must be dreading

Post Content
2023-06-25 05:06:56

G7 was about getting Russia to negotiate ? opinion

Post Content
2023-05-25 15:12:20

Does Putin understand that he has lost? ? opinion

Post Content
2023-05-16 14:13:50

OPINION: Worthwhile news isn't cheap

Post Content
2023-05-10 09:12:06

How Putin is Trying to Outplay Us in Liberating Crimea ? opinion

Post Content
2023-04-12 17:10:29

Opinion: Why did we ever think scooters were a good idea?

The people of Paris have spoken loud and clear: get electric scooters off of our streets.
2023-04-05 14:07:30

Opinion: Why is Sweden afraid of publishing this book on race?

When mirrors show us how we look, we adjust what needs to be fixed. We don't break those mirrors simply because we won't accept our reflection.
2023-03-31 13:06:51

'History in the making': UN poised to take unprecedented vote on the climate crisis

Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu on Wednesday is poised to win a historic vote at the United Nations that would call on the world's highest court to issue an unprecedented legal opinion on the obligation countries have to address the climate crisis.
2023-03-29 15:06:45

Opinion: Ronny Jackson and the 'former guy'

The Pentagon inspector general tells us that many who worked with Ronny Jackson -- the former Trump White House physician and now a member of Congress from Texas -- think he was a "tyrant" and a "dictator" prone to "yelling, screaming, cursing, or belittling subordinates."
2021-03-04 09:05:40

The court of international public opinion long ago found MBS guilty over Khashoggi murder. The US has just caught up

There is no mystery in how Jamal Khashoggi died, it was cold-blooded and brutal.
2021-03-04 10:05:44

Opinion: The most important exception the Senate can make

Senators who vehemently defend the Senate's 60-vote threshold for legislation are nonetheless about to accept a simple majority of 51 votes when they decide on the Covid-19 relief bill currently being debated. That paradox is made possible through an exception to the filibuster for fiscal measures known as "reconciliation."
2021-03-05 11:05:39

Harry and Meghan: From royal romance to palace rift

? Opinion: Harry and Meghan expose palace hypocrisy ? We're launching a royals newsletter. Sign up here
2021-03-06 19:05:40

Opinion: Biden's historic victory for America -- no thanks to GOP

President Joe Biden is on the cusp of a major legislative victory. If all goes according to plan and the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan is signed into law, Biden will have scored an early triumph in his presidency. The Covid-19 relief bill will provide a wide range of benefits, from direct payments to American families, money for vaccine development and distribution, small business relief, more substantial subsidies for the Affordable Care Act, a child tax credit, a higher Earned Income Tax Credit, federal funds for state and local governments and much more.
2021-03-06 23:05:42

Opinion: Harry, Meghan and the power of their story

Among journalists in Queen Victoria's England, Walter Bagehot was a central figure. Not only did he marry well -- to the daughter of the Economist's founder, whose death installed Bagehot in the editor's chair -- he also wrote a classic study of British government, "The English Constitution."
2021-03-08 05:05:39

Opinion: Royal family's 'post-racial' fantasy unravels

When Harry and Meghan walked down the aisle, surrounded by examples of #BlackExcellence, and being serenaded by a gospel choir on May 19, 2018, it was meant to mark a new era in race relations. Even the royal family was being "modernized," dragged into the 21st century showing just how far we have come. Right wing papers like the Daily Mail even heralded the Markles' remarkable achievement of going from "cotton slaves to royalty" in just 150 years. The only surprise is how quickly this post-racial fantasy unraveled, culminating in Sunday's tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey, revealing the h...
2021-03-08 22:05:41

Opinion: Meghan and Harry smash the princess story to pieces

As troubling as they were to hear, Meghan's jaw-dropping claims of disempowerment in her interview Sunday with Oprah Winfrey will likely also send a salutary message we would do well to hear: Becoming a princess is not something a woman should aspire to.
2021-03-09 02:08:45

Opinion: Women have taken a staggering Covid hit. Now they offer the best hopes for the future

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic. One year later, the world is still struggling with the myriad ways it has impacted our lives and created hardship for so many -- especially women and girls, Black, indigenous and people of color and other marginalized communities.
2021-03-12 16:05:46

Fact-checking Biden's first prime-time address

? Analysis: Biden sets date for reopening in effort to convince US to stick with restrictions ? Analysis: 7 takeaways from Biden's speech ? Opinion: Trump's dystopia in the dust
2021-03-12 17:05:44

Harry and Meghan feel wronged by the palace. But they can only seek justice in the court of public opinion

When Buckingham Palace finally broke its silence on the allegations made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in their bombshell interview, royal observers paid particular attention to one line of the palace statement: "While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately."
2021-03-13 07:08:43

One Florida mayor says 'too many people' coming for spring break

? The 'all-out war' for vaccinated travelers ? Opinion: The scariest Covid-19 story is playing out in Europe
2021-03-14 09:05:40

London police chief faces calls to resign after officers smash vigil to murdered woman

? London police forcibly break up vigil for Sarah Everard ? Opinion: Sarah Everard's case reminds women of what they already knew
2021-03-14 13:08:49

Opinion: Why Cuomo's fall from grace should have happened years ago

As a growing number of women have come forward to accuse New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment, unwanted touching and inappropriate behavior, he is facing mounting pressure from members of his own party -- including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York -- to resign.
2021-03-15 03:05:42

Andrew Cuomo's future may rest on more than the merits of the case against him

The argument for impeaching New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is increasingly compelling. There have now been several seemingly credible allegations of sexual harassment against Cuomo indicating a pattern of behavior that should disqualify him from a position of leadership and influence. Additionally, reports that the Cuomo administration deliberately undercounted deaths in nursing homes in the early days of the pandemic further undermine his standing. Cuomo has denied all of these allegations and has even suggested that he is a victim of "cancel culture," though he did apologize for "making anyone f...
2021-03-16 21:07:05

Supreme Court agrees to review Boston Marathon bomber's death penalty case

The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to review a lower court opinion that wiped away the death sentence of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the brothers convicted in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing that killed three spectators and injured hundreds.
2021-03-22 15:06:19

Opinion: More than 100 Americans will die from guns every day unless Democrats get rid of the filibuster

Once again Americans are grieving over lives lost to another mass shooting. On Monday, 10 people, including a police officer, were killed at a Boulder, Colorado, King Soopers grocery store. Just six days ago, we began mourning the deaths of the eight women killed in Atlanta.
2021-03-24 02:06:09

Biden to highlight gains and face tough scrutiny in first formal news conference

? Opinion: Why Biden's first press conference will be so challenging ? Analysis: What the media is saying ahead of Biden's press conference
2021-03-25 06:05:45

Opinion: Gaetz's diversionary tactics aren't working

2021-04-02 01:05:39

Opinion: Super Mario dies for a living

Super Mario, dead? Say it's-a mistake!
2021-04-02 05:05:42

Cashier who took suspected counterfeit bill from Floyd: 'I'm kind of like the big domino that fell'

? Chauvin's supervisor describes phone call about George Floyd scene ? Opinion: Why I can't watch the Chauvin trial
2021-04-02 15:05:45

Opinion: How much further will fame, spectacle and controversy get Trump?

Was there anyone in the world who believed that the attention-grabbing machine of Donald Trump would suddenly stop when he left the White House?
2021-04-04 18:05:51

Supreme Court wipes away ruling that said Trump violated Constitution by blocking Twitter followers

The Supreme Court on Monday wiped away a lower court opinion holding that then-President Donald Trump violated the First Amendment when he blocked followers from his Twitter account.
2021-04-05 16:05:43

Opinion: It's time to face the new reality on mask wearing

Walking around my Brooklyn neighborhood as the country comes out of a long, Covid-depressed winter, I notice nearly everyone engaging in a curious pandemic ritual: as we stroll past brownstones, we all pull our masks up as soon as we see one another coming.
2021-04-07 03:05:44

Prabal Gurung: Anti-Asian sentiment runs deeper than you think

My 75-year-old Nepali mother, who lives in New York, goes for a walk every morning and every evening. I send her out in disguise: I bought her a blonde wig, and I tell her to wear it under a hat, glasses and mask. "Maybe then, they'll leave her alone," I think. I know it sounds crazy, but it's my survival instinct kicking in.
2021-04-07 12:05:40

A tiny discovery may very well rewrite the laws of physics

In 2013, a load of precious cargo was put on a barge and transported from the Smith Point Marina on Long Island, down the east coast of the US and up the Mississippi River and its tributaries. When the barge got close to Chicago, the freight was transferred to a flatbed tractor trailer and driven the rest of the way to its destination just west of the Windy City. It was a 50-foot-wide load, so the truck only drove at night.
2021-04-08 00:05:39

Biden announces limited gun restrictions to address 'an international embarrassment'

? Opinion: The new lies of the GOP and Tucker Carlson
2021-04-08 21:05:40

Opinion: Why teaching the horrors of the Holocaust is vital

Thursday is Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day -- a time when our country joins others around the world to commemorate and to mourn the 6 million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. Yet even as we seek to remember, the truth is that too many people across the United States don't know about or understand the horrors -- and the lasting legacies -- of genocides like the Holocaust.
2021-04-08 23:05:49

Opinion: Prince Philip was flawed. He was also family

In 2016, Queen Elizabeth II turned 90. Devoted subjects crowded outside Buckingham Palace to cheer. One told a newspaper that they'd come to celebrate "the mother of the nation."
2021-04-10 04:05:40

Biden's risky decision to end America's longest war gives him a chance to refocus US foreign policy

? Biden to announce withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by September 11 ? Opinion: Biden is making a major mistake
2021-04-14 04:05:40

Opinion: Biden is making a major mistake

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden is expected to formally announce the planned withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2001, which will also mark the end of America's longest war -- a war many no longer remember or understand why we entered.
2021-04-14 11:05:43

Judges are split on how seriously to take John Roberts' abortion opinion

Almost a year after Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the Supreme Court's liberals to cast the determinative vote to block a Louisiana abortion law, his opinion in the case is causing deep divisions among lower court judges and lawyers.
2021-04-14 21:05:42

Trump's dominance spells trouble for the GOP

Others have said it, but since top Republicans haven't taken it to heart, the message bears repeating: With all due respect, you've got to quit Donald Trump. For your own sake, and the country's, cancel your reservations at Mar-a-Lago. Block his number. And whatever you do, don't fall for any of his old tricks.
2021-04-21 21:05:40

Opinion: Ma'Khia Bryant's death on the day Chauvin was found guilty is a reminder that we have a long way to go

On Tuesday, the world let out a sigh of relief when former officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd nearly a year ago. It seemed like everyone was waiting with clenched jaws, holding their breath as they questioned if the US justice system was going to prove, once again, unable to recognize and protect the sanctity of Black life.
2021-04-22 05:05:39

Opinion: What Biden's first 100 days might tell us about the rest of his presidency

President Joe Biden's first 100 days are coming to a close. This benchmark was set by Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had a wildly productive start to his presidency in 1933, and it has been used to judge new Presidents ever since.
2021-04-24 20:05:41

Opinion: Trump set a low bar for Biden's speech to Congress

As the House Sergeant of Arms cries "Madam Speaker, the President of the United States," Joe Biden can walk to the rostrum confident of one thing: His first address to Congress will represent a break from what Americans have experienced over the past four years.
2021-04-28 13:05:41

Opinion: The main idea behind Biden's global strategy

You can do quite a bit in 100 days -- begin learning French; train your puppy; prepare for a 10K. But there's one thing you can't do: transform a cruel and unforgiving world.
2021-04-28 15:05:41

What really happens to the plastic you throw out

Our planet is facing a crisis of catastrophic proportions, with the potential to impact life for generations to come. It is not the Covid-19 pandemic -- which the US is making great progress toward managing. It is also not the climate crisis, though it is related. We are talking about the plastic pollution crisis.
2021-04-28 18:05:44

Opinion: What grade did Biden get on his speech to Congress

CNN Opinion contributors grade President Joe Biden's first speech before a joint session of Congress.
2021-04-29 07:05:41

Opinion: We left my little brother and a world behind us when we escaped Vietnam by boat

Out on the water, the smell of diesel mixed with the ocean salt, the sound of the engine puttering along was slightly louder than my mom's muffled cries. I recall being terrified and wanting to cry, but knowing I shouldn't, I clenched my teeth and fought the urge.
2021-04-30 14:05:41

Donald Trump saw it coming

Donald Trump saw it coming. Back in 2019, the moderate Joe Biden looked like a candidate uniquely suited to threaten his re-election as president. In a July 25 phone call, Trump asked Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky to have his government work with his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and with then-US Attorney General William Barr to launch an investigation of Biden and his son Hunter.
2021-05-02 15:05:40

Secret William Barr memo saying not to charge Trump must be released, judge says

A federal judge this week rejected the Justice Department's attempts to keep secret a departmental opinion to not charge former President Donald Trump with obstruction at the end of the Mueller investigation, calling the administration's lawyers "disingenuous."
2021-05-05 02:05:45

Superstar musician Ed Sheeran to sponsor boyhood club Ipswich Town

His music sales add up to an eye-watering number, his recent worldwide tour multiplied in size wherever it went, and he rarely divides opinion (we all love him).
2021-05-06 17:05:43

Superstar musician Ed Sheeran to sponsor boyhood club Ipswich Town

His music sales add up to an eye-watering number, his recent worldwide tour multiplied in size wherever it went, and he rarely divides opinion (we all love him).
2021-05-06 17:05:51

Opinion: Elise Stefanik's shameful move

There was once a fear that took over the Republican Party and the nation.
2021-05-07 01:06:01

Opinion: As US leaves Afghanistan, it must fulfill its obligation to interpreters

In the wake of President Joe Biden's decision to withdraw all US military forces from Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, many consequences will accrue ? some intended and anticipated, others perhaps unintended and unforeseen.
2021-05-14 23:05:42

Opinion: Whatever happened to Jared Kushner's peace plan?

Last year, former President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled their peace plan for the Middle East at the White House. Now, 16 months later, the question that begs to be asked is whether that plan has worked at all.
2021-05-15 01:05:45

GOP congressman calls out 'bogus' claims by colleagues about Capitol riot

? Brian Stelter: This Fox News data proves Liz Cheney right ? Ousted Cheney warns direction of the party is 'dangerous' ? Opinion: Where the GOP got its rage
2021-05-17 04:05:45


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